This television drama series is centered around the prestigious culinary school of renowned chef Auguste Armand. The show follows the lives of students and staff as they navigate the challenges and pressures of the culinary world—delving into their personal and professional lives, revealing secrets, rivalries, and complex relationships.
Title | Ici tout commence - Specials |
Subtitle Available | ETC. |
Alternative Titles | 一切从这里开始, Aquí Empieza Todo, Ici tout commence, Where it All Begins |
First Air Date | 2020-11-02 |
Last Air Date | 2024-11-29 |
Number of Episodes | 1062 |
Number of Seasons | 4 |
Genres | Soap, Drama, |
Networks | TF1, |
Casts | Aurélie Pons, Julie Sassoust, Rébecca Benhamour, Nicolas Anselmo, Catherine Davydzenka, Alizée Bochet, Sidney Cadot-Sambosi, Marvin Pellegrino, Pola Petrenko, Sarah Fitri, Géraldine Rivière |
Plot Keywords | , |
Episodes List
Ici tout commence Season 0 :Episode 1 Episode 1 Episode 1
2023-01-07This television drama series is centered around the prestigious culinary school of renowned chef Auguste Armand. The show follows the lives of...
Ici tout commence Season 0 :Episode 2 Episode 2 Episode 2
2023-07-14This television drama series is centered around the prestigious culinary school of renowned chef Auguste Armand. The show follows the lives of...
Ici tout commence Season 0 :Episode 3 Episode 3 Episode 3
2023-09-01This television drama series is centered around the prestigious culinary school of renowned chef Auguste Armand. The show follows the lives of...